Thursday, July 23, 2015

My Orange addiction

Where have a been for the past 3 years? Since I got preggo I already forgot about the latest trends in cosmetics. After 3 years of being out of the scene I am now back, replacing my old make up as well as my make up tools. It's been a while.

Now, I am so obsessed with the orange lippies. I am a single mum working long hours night shift and I dont have time anymore to go to makati or any decent department stores who sells high end cosmetics. And I am also on a budget so I'm now trying out drugstores cosmetics, just to achieve the look and style that I want.

The only happy time I have is when I go to groceries to do food shopping and buying supplies for the household and my daughter. So, I found this really adorable orange lipstick from Ever Bilena. And since I am practicing the latest trends of make up. I kinda tried this one just to experience the orange thing. And guess what i became obsessed. 

The Ever Bilena extreme lipstick looks similar to Maybelline. It looks pretty and very affordable so I picked it up and add it on my shopping cart. I wasn't really expecting that this product is really amazing. When i first tried it before going home. I was stunned by the moisture and shine. Dame!!! It's more than the 165 pesos that I've paid. It is really more than what I have expected. Plus now I am wearing my orange dream lipstick at the most affordable price.

Then the other day. I saw this orange lip pencil. And I was like OMG, I'm gonna get this to enhance the orange on my lips.

I am going to collect all nice colors from this lipstick line as well as the lip pencil. 

The last lipliner I bought was back in 2012 and it cost PHP1450. And this faboulous orange lip pencil from ever bilena only cost Php 100 It's indeed a big savings. 

I am so glad that Ever bilena have pretty and affordable lippies like this. It made me super happy.

Who wouldn't want to kiss those lips? Hahaha joke

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