Friday, August 28, 2015

Food art failed

Never make food art when the kid is around. The next thing you know she finished the other ingredients in some containers.

Food Art Octopus Hearts

Simple food art:
1. Octopus cocktail hotdogs with nori
2. Heart shape bread
3. Oranges
4. Mixed frozen vegetables

Lazy Food Art Sandwich

I call this the twinkle twinkle sandwich. I made a ham sandwich and used a cookie sharper for that. Simple and fast.... just to make your little one happy

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Food Art - Hearts

Simple Food Art Snack for kids. Hear shape break and hotdog.
You will just need a heart cookie shaper and a spaghetti strand to connect the hear shape hotdog.

Food Art: Fruit PALM TREE

Kiwi, Banana, orange and grapes  :-)

Food Art OLAF

This is my first ever food art. Olaf made of Rice and Nori. Then I added some garnishes like brocolli, cocktail hotdogs, green peas and grapes for dessert.

How to:
1. Mold the rice to create a perfect snowman and decorate it with nori.
2. boil the vegetables including the hotdog to cook.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My dear friend Albert. Take a day off to celebrate you birthday. Take a year off and tell people you are younger.

On this special day, i wish you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! May you have a fantastic birthday and many more to come... 


Monday, August 24, 2015

Peppa Pig Cooler Bag with 4 Read-it-yourself Books

Peppa Pig Cooler Bag with 4 Read-it-yourself Books

Book Titles:
* Little Creatures
* Recycling Fun!

* Nature Trail
* Sports Day

My daughter Loves Pigs. I don't know if it's because of the color or the nose. When she start watching Peppa Pig she's so into it. Peppa pig taught my kid the family concept. And one day she decided to call me Mummy Pig hahaha.

These are easy to read book and toddlers would not get bored as you finish each book. Me and my daughter loves it so much.

This was a gift to my daughter and it came with a cooler and 4 books. I don't know where she put it, but I will find it soon.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

L.A. Girl Beauty Brick Blush - SPICE

I am so Happy I finally have it!!!
Four fabulous palettes - 2 blush, 1 bronzer and 1 highlighter.  Four gorgeous blush palettes for my on the go and retouch make up. And I love the cute mirror inside..... 

The Spice color definitely had a love at first sight effect on me. When I saw it I can't stop thinking about it the colors are really gorgeous 
and I know He's the one. The one to do my contour whenever I need it and wherever I go. 

McDonalds Happy Meals - Minion Vampire

I don't know why this minion is her favorite. Maybe because it's purple. Before I click the back of the minion, I would say Smile!!! Then it will shows it's fang and then I hiss my daughter would start laughing non stop and she would want me to repeat it again and again and again. 

McDonalds Happy Meals - Marching Minion Soldier


McDonalds Happy Meals - Minion Caveman

McDonalds Happy Meals - Groovy Stuart

McDonalds Happy Meals - Martial Arts Minion

McDonalds Happy Meals - Egyptian Hula Minion

McDonalds Happy Meals - Guard Minion

McDonalds Happy Meals - GuitarStrumming Stuart

McDonalds Happy Meals - Lava Shooting Kevin

McDonalds Happy Meals - Chatty Bob

My daughter's favorite Happy meal Toys


Lava Shooting Kevin

Chatty Bob

GuitarStrumming Stuart

Marching Minion Soldier

Guard Minion

Martial Arts Minion

Minion Vampire

Egyptian Hula Minion

Groovy Stuart

Minion Caveman

McDonald's 2015 Minion Happy Meals 

10 complete toys

Disney My First Library: Minnie Mouse Carry-Along Board Book

Disney My First Library: Minnie Mouse Carry-Along Board Book

A Pretty pink carry board box with a plastic handle, that you can bring it anywhere!
12 board books with rounded corners and 5 content spreads

Book Titles: 

  1. Minnie & Mickey
  2. Fall Fun
  3. Vacation
  4. Fashion
  5. Minnie's Hobbies
  6. Sunny Summer
  7. Let's Exercise 
  8. Amusement Park
  9. Birthdays
  10. Spring Smiles
  11. Winter Wonderland
  12. Good Food

STUCK ON STORIES "Disney Princess"

Disney Princess

Use the suction cup characters and your imagination to bring these Stuck on Stories to life! Read the stories and complete the games. Then, create your very own adventures by decorating each scene with your characters! 

Dimensions: 8 " x 10 "
Cover type: Hardcover 
Page count: 10 
ISBN: 2-7643-2069-8 
ISBN13/EAN: 978-2-7643-2069-3 

Age group: 3 years and up 

My daughter is still starting to appreciate the Disney princess. There are still parts of the book that she is not familiar with. Like the backgrounds of the Disney princesses and I have to research online which they belong. I know some but the new cartoons that I am not familiar with confuses me. So with the help of my other "mummy" friends, I managed to answer everything hahaha.

You really have to watch each of the Disney princess movie so you would appreciate and get familiar with the backgrounds. Now I am having my daughter watch the Disney princess cartoons. She just started to get fascinated with the princess thing. And this book help her a lot in identifying where the princesses belongs.

10 suction cup characters:

  1. Mulan
  2. Ariel
  3. Aurora
  4. Snow White
  5. Rapunzel
  6. Belle
  7. Cinderella
  8. Pocahontas
  9. Jasmine
  10. Tianna