Tuesday, August 4, 2015

My daughter turns 2

I got so excited my daughter's turning 2 and I planned a small, yet happy party for the kids. My daughter picked her own outfit which is the Disney Princess Rapunzel, because it is purple and it's her favorite color. Though I had the seamstress made her a Cinderella costume she insist and wear the purple one. It's hard to argue with her cause she's going to cry so she wore the cute Rapunzel costume, and it's her big day so I don't want to be the mummy pooper.

I wanted all the kids to enjoy including her so I decided to get all the Jollitown Characters mascot for her birthday. But sadly, it got her so terrified. For some reason she freaked out when she saw the mascot and never liked Jollibee again. She's always been fond of those big cuddly fellas and I have no clue why all of a sudden she's so scared of the mascots. So that failed!!!

But all the grownups did have a good time taking pictures with the mascots. It was awesome for us except for the celebrant.

The Jollitown Mascots

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