Saturday, August 1, 2015

Pocket Make-up Mirror with LED Lighting

I needed a pocket mirror and I was browsing online I saw this fabulous mirror with Led light. It was amazing!!! And again I felt the need to own one hahaha. 
So I searched for a good deal where I can buy them cheaper then, I saw the website Latest Gadget I checked the website and thought, this one looks like a credible seller. It has a nice web set up but the only weird thing about it is that they don't have verification or return email when you register or when you place order online, but the package would arrive. So not an issue but I just find it strange. I just contacted the customer service via skype and they do answer and explain how to verify payment blah blah and so on. It's still good that someone would be glad to assist you. You can also check the order status when you log in to their website. It's not too much effort to work you proactive muscles like I did. Hardeharhar. It's only a click away so you have no rights to bitch about it. I am happy I was able to buy it from them and I saved money. I am still amazed with this mirror and I love it. It's one of my favorite things inside my purse. Perfect when you go clubbing.... (Dame I don't go to clubs anymore lol) or even when you need to check your face inside the car without opening the lights. It's a life saver lol.

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