Friday, August 7, 2015

My DIY spotlight mirror

This is the first part of my mirror project. Attaching the spotlight. I saw a fabulous mirror with bulb online for 2500 and I don't want to afford it so I just made my own in a spotlight version cause I am improvising and this is what I only have on handy. I bought the spotlights and Led bulb on Ace Hardware for ages already. 

The Landlite spotlight cost Php 289.75 each and the Landlite bulb cost Php 179.74 it's on sale and a very good deal. 
This is the spotlight.....

The mirror that I will be using is a 26" X 20" I bought for Php 449.75 at Robinsons department store. So I am all using cheap stuff to make my fabulous dream mirror

I have the mirror drilled to attach the spotlight. Next step I went to ace hardware to put wire and plug for my mirror. Some attendants there are knowledgeable in "wire thang" so you can ask them very nicely if they can do it for you. Ofcourse, you will have to buy something from them too. Nothing is free in this world I guess hahaha.

This is the first part of my mirror project and the warm white light is so fine when taking pictures. I love it very much. I will be working on next on the mirror and table design.

My mirror's name is Sydney Glass so wait for my surprise why it's called like that.

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