Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Argan Oil Good for babies too

I found a very interesting website "arganoilmanila"

I am using argan oil when I was pregnant to massage my tummy and to minimize itchy feeling. It was very effective and relaxing. My stretch marks did not darken. Today I discovered a myriad ways of how to use argan oil. And one of them is for diaper rash AMAZING!!!.

Argan oil is a natural antioxidant-oil that is rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E which are good in preventing stretchmarks, skin aging, reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes, healing diaper rash.

It's now official...... White Allure Argan oil is a mummy and baby product for us now. I would recommend this to mums out there, so they can have a healthy glowing skin using only a natural product.

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